House Call Clinician of the Year Award 

Submit a Nomination

Background & Purpose

The AAHCM House Call Clinician of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding non-physician clinician who has made significant contributions to the delivery of quality healthcare to homebound patients, and demonstrates the important value of clinicians in the field of home care medicine. A clinician may be defined to include nurse practitioners, social workers, and physician's assistants. (Must be an AAHCM member)


Demonstrated accomplishments of comprehensive and impactful care as a home care clinician .

  • Positively impacted patient resources, patient access and/or patient education
  • Encouraged collaboration that resulted in improved patient care

Demonstrated accomplishments of involvement in community service.

  • Created or promoted public awareness of the value of home care medicine
  • Served to improve the local community in addition to normal clinical duties
  • Demonstrated positive impact on mentorship and development of other clinicians.
  • Demonstrated leadership in the area of patient advocacy for home care medicine
  • Mentored home care clinicians, allied health professionals, and other learners.
  • Created or furthered initiatives that contributed to the development of home care clinicians

Demonstrated involvement in activities that have furthered the image of home care medicine.

  • Promote home care medicine among other specialty areas within the organization
  • Duration/type of service
  • Rural/remote or inner-city settings
  • Patient advocacy


Nominees must be AAHCM members in good standing. Self nominations are accepted. Current members of the AAHCM Board of Directors or AAHCM Awards Committee are not eligible to be nominated for this award.

Nominations Process

All nominations must include a copy of the nominee's CV and 3 reference letters to be considered. Supporting documentation such as formal commendations, citations or awards, newspaper or magazine articles, or other media-related profiles will be accepted, but shall serve only as evidence to support the nomination, and are NOT required.

An institution may not submit more than two award submissions per awards cycle. National institutions will be
defined by state. Should the Awards Committee receive more than two award submissions from the same
(state) institution, the burden of submission selection will fall on the submitting institution.


An award plaque will be presented to the awardee at the next AAHCM Annual Meeting. The awardee will also receive a complimentary one-year membership.

Review Process

The Awards and Research Committees will establish a review panel consisted of members from each committee to review applications and select an award recipient.

Past Winners

2023 Megan Graeser, DNP
2022 Sarah Paez, MS, GNP-BC, ACHPN
2020 Tammy Browning, PA-C
2019 Jean Yudin, MSN GNP-BC