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Draft AAHCM 2024 Annual Meeting Program

This program is a draft and subject to change.
Thursday, October 17 - Pre-Conference Sessions  (Note: Requires separate registration.)
8:00 AM - Noon   Pre-Conference Workshop: Leadership Training Pre-Conference Workshop: Mastering Lower Extremity Wound Management for Home-Based Medicine
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM    Pre-Conference Workshop: Value Based Care Pre-Conference Workshop: Multicomplexity in the Home: Training Our Teams and Learners to See Strengths in Patients and Community
Friday, October 18
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM   Breakfast w/exhibitors  
8:30 AM - 8:40 AM   Welcome & Opening Remarks
8:40 AM - 9:30 AM   Keynote
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM   ACO Session
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM #1-
#2 -
#3 -
#4 - 
Session #1: All Alone Together: Strategies for Effective Onboarding of Home-Based Care Staff and Teams (Practice Management) Session #2: The State of the Science of home-based medical care (Clinical Practice) Session #3: Making Your Home Care Medicine Practice Age-Friendly (Education) Session #4: Hospital at Home 101 (Hospital at Home)
11:30 PM - 1:00 PM   Lunch w/exhibitors  
Noon - 1:00 PM   Hospital at Home (State of the State)
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM #5 -
#6 -
#7 -
#8 - 
Session #5: How to integrate GUIDE comprehensive dementia care into your HBPC practice (Clinical Practice) Session #6: Wellbeing Debriefings in Home based medical care (Clinical Practice) Session #7: Optimizing Teaching Trainees in a Diverse Home Care Medicine Environments: Car train sidewalk video home and more…  (Education)  Session #8:  Learnings From the Trenches: Inpatient Care at Home Acute and Restorative Phases (Hospital at Home)
2:10 PM - 3:10 PM #9 -
#10 -
#11 -
#12 - 
Session #9: The Pros Cons and Implications of Implementing a Home-Based Primary Care Practice-Level Certification (Practice Management) Session #10: Winning in the world of Value-Base Care (VBC/ACO) Session #11: Geriatrics and Palliative Care Clinical Update Bites (Education) Session #12: The Logistics Revolution: Transforming Healthcare Delivery through Hospital at Home (Hospital at Home)
3:10 PM - 4:00 PM   Dedicated Exhibits   
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM #13 -
#14 -
#15 -
#16 - 
Session #13: 56 Strategies for 1 Mission: Trends and Case Reviews of Community Paramedics from Across the United States (Practice Management) Session #14: Development of a new model of home-based medical center in Korea: Perspectives of key informants (Public Policy) Session #15: Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Learning & Growth for your HCM team (Education) Session #16: Journey and Outcomes of a Hospital-at-Home Randomized Controlled Trial (Hospital @ Home)
4:50 PM - 5:30 PM   General Session and Awards Presentation
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM   Poster Session   
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM   Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall   
Saturday, October 19
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM   Breakfast w/exhibitors  
9:10 AM - 10:10 AM #17 -
#18 -
#19 -
#20 - 
Session #17: Heart Failure management in HBMC: Updates from the 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guidelines (Clinical Practice) Session #18: VA HBPC Quality and Practice approach to Late Life Suicide Risk (Practice Management) Session # 19: Telling Your Practice Story with Stories: How to Communicate with Patients Caregivers and Others to Emotionally Connect and Drive Results (Education) Session #20: Elevated Care at Home: An in-home alternative to skilled nursing facility care promoting early hospital discharge (Hospital at Home)
10:10 AM - 10:30 AM Exhibit Hall Dedicated Exhibits   
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM #21 -
#22 -
#23 -
#24 - 
Session #21: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Serious Illness Conversations (Clinical Practice) Session #22: Swipe Right with Confidence: Proven Recruitment Strategies to Apply to your Practice (Practice Management) Session #23: Public Policy (outlining various payment models) Session #24: Build a Patient-centered Care at Home Program: Apply Human-centered Design and Simulation in Program Development (Hospital at Home)
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM   Lunch w/exhibitors  
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM #25 -
#26 -
#27 -
#28 - 
Session #25: Medical Cannabis in The Home Care Setting (Clinical Practice) Session #26: Breathing Easier: COPD Emergency Kit Implementation in a VA Home Based Primary Care Program (Practice Management) Session #27: Reach Beyond: Northwell's Journey from Independence at Home to Value Based Care (VBC/ACO) Sesson #28:  Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Acquisition to a Hospital-at-Home Program (Hospital at Home)
2:10 PM - 2:55 PM #29 -
#30 -
#31 -
#32 - 
Session #29: ED in Home: Enabling a full continuum for home based primary care (Clinical Practice) Session #30: Improving Communication in Home Based Primary Care (Practice Management) Session #31: Public Policy Session (Public Policy) Session #32: Curbing Fall Risk through Hospital at Home (Hospital at Home)
3:00 PM - 4:10 PM   Closing Session and Closing Remarks.



Pre-Conference Sessions

October 17, 2024 - add-on (4) hour pre-conference sessions are available for additional registration. All sessions will be available for CME. 

Leadership Training

This workshop will cover key topics surrounding leadership in today’s healthcare workforce. When building high performance teams, great leaders are considering the layers that affect group success. Healthcare professionals often excel when managing time, but not necessarily when it comes to managing energy. How are you considering burnout potential in the breakdown of responsibilities on your team? Alternatively, what builds your staff up? How do we factor in different individual motivations when working toward the common goal of serving our patients? In matrix, interdisciplinary teams, we must find strength in both our differences and similarities. As a leader, you want to consider challenges and strategies in the context of implicit bias, always keeping diversity, equity and inclusion at the forefront. By attending this workshop, you will challenge the assumptions you have about leadership, explore new strategies for management and supervision, and build confidence in your own authority.


Mastering Lower Extremity Wound Management for Home-Based Medicine

Transform your approach to managing lower extremity wounds in home-based medicine. Master the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and cutting-edge treatments for venous insufficiency, including acute dermatitis management. Discover innovative, tailored solutions for home-based primary care and learn to coordinate long-term management of these types of wounds. Gain hands-on experience applying multiple layer wrap dressings. Take charge of care plans by formulating effective wound care orders and collaborating with home health partners. Uncover unique, appropriate treatments for home-based patients with diabetic and peripheral arterial disease wounds. Attend this workshop to unlock the full potential of lower extremity wound care management in home-based medicine.

Value Based Care

Presenters are busy developing a 2.0 to last year's successful Value-Based Care for Frail Seniors which helped learners understand how to take a population health approach to improving patient outcomes that ultimately can lead to financial success in value-based payment environments. It touched upon patient selection, risk stratification, visit cadence, field team makeup, centralized shared services, care modalities and clinical services. Additionally, it discussed the varying importance of quality, documentation and medical expense reduction depending upon contract type.


Multicomplexity in the Home: Training Our Teams and Learners to See Strengths in Patients and Community

This session will focus on reframing approaches for assessing and addressing the impact of social drivers of health (SDOH) for complex homebound patients. This interactive session will include: training your interprofessional team and learners to understand how SDOH and multicomplexity intersect and impact homebound adults, strategies to reframe SDOH to identify strengths and resources in the home and community, teaching and training tools for our teams and trainees, and approaches to build community partnerships.